The best way to extend your artificial turf’s lifespan and reduce the amount of maintenance

 The best way to extend your artificial turf’s lifespan and reduce the amount of maintenance you need to do is by spot cleaning accidents as they happen. Your backyard is a place to play and socialize, but sometimes this can mean spills or accidents that damage a specific area of the turf. It’s important that, in the case of a spill, you clean the area as quickly as you can to avoid it leaving a stain. Blot any liquids that have spilled and remove any solids. Rinse the affected areas with a mixture of water and mild household detergent or soap to clean the spot. If the spilled substance resists the detergent, try cleaning it with a 3% solution of ammonia mixed with water. After cleaning, thoroughly rinse down the area with clean, cold water. By cleaning accidents as they happen, you can avoid stains, damaged blades, and the need for future reparative maintenance. 



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