3 Common Problems with Artificial Grass and What You Can Do About Them
Solving the 3 Common Problems with Artificial Grass
There are many benefits of using artificial grass on your property. The main one is the lower environmental impact. Consider that you need half a gallon of water for one inch of water per square foot of your property. While this may not sound like much, it means that every 10’x10′ section of grass requires 50 gallons of water. Another benefit is that your yard will look beautiful all year regardless of environmental factors. This is important, especially in Texas, where restrictions on water usage are common. On top of that, you don’t need to use fertilizers or other harmful chemicals on the lawn where your children will be playing. That said, it’s not all sunshine and roses with artificial grass, there are issues to be aware of as well. Read on to learn about some of the common problems with artificial grass and what you can do about them.